Reshaping Our Future

President Nowaczyk

In this issue of Profile, as always, we are proud to highlight the accomplishments of our students, faculty, staff and alumni. Our Forging Futures campaign reached its initial goal of $25 million ahead of schedule, putting us over $27 million. We are grateful to the community that supports FSU and it's students through a number of scholarships. This Profile also takes the opportunity to shine a spotlight on some of the changes occurring at Frostburg. From facility upgrades and mascot makeovers, to learning to adapt to meet the total needs of our students, there are lots of changes happening on campus.

Work continues on our Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) self-study. We are progressing nicely under the leadership of our co-chairs, the self-study steering committee and the standards’ co-chairs as we prepare for a 2025 visit from MSCHE. As a Middle States Commissioner, I have learned that the work of MSCHE and other regional accreditors is crucial as we face challenges in higher education over the next several years.

It is important to note that accreditation isn’t just a box that we check; it is a testament to our commitment to provide the highest quality educational experience for our students. It also encourages us to self-reflect so that we can identify ways to continuously improve. Please take a moment to visit our self-study website for more information.  

As we move forward, our self-study process should inform and guide the work we are doing on our two strategic initiatives: 1) strategic enrollment and 2) campus culture and external messaging. Our mission, vision and values play an essential role in developing these initiatives that will shape our focus through December 2026

In closing, I encourage you to stay attuned to the changing landscape nationally in higher education. It is in our best interest that, as a community, we discuss and shape our future. I hope that we can be energized by the talent in this community and on our campus, which is evident in the stories you’ll read in this edition of Profile and devote our efforts to working collaboratively to position FSU to be successful over the next decade and beyond.

Go Bobcats!

Nowaczyk signature
Ronald Nowaczyk, Ph.D.